Catalog of Authors and Works
The Catalog of the Digital Harpocration project is populated with forms deriving from the linguistic extraction and annotation of expressions about names of authors and works in the Greek text of the Lexicon of the Ten Orators of Valerius Harpocration (ed. Dindorf).
This is the first version of the Catalog, which is complete, based on semi-automatic methods, and linked to external resources. Results are currently checked and analyzed for correction, further disambiguation, NE relation, and coreference resolution. Forthcoming versions of the catalog will allow to search Greek forms and will be enriched with data from other sources as part of the text-based Catalog of Authors and Works of the Linked Ancient Greek and Latin (LAGL) project.
* As of May 2024, authors who were originally and experimentally assigned the prefix harp are now identified with the prefix lagl. Read below for further instructions.
* As of June 2024, entries of this catalog are also searchable in the unified Catalog of Authors and Works of the Linked Ancient Greek and Latin (LAGL) project, which collects data from different ancient Greek sources.
The text of the Lexicon of the Ten Orators of Harpocration (ed. Dindorf) is available as part of the Digital Harpocration project and provided with a CTS URN retriever:
- Full Text (Harpocrationis Lexicon in Decem Oratores Atticos, ed. Dindorf).
- CTS URN Retriever (Harpocrationis Lexicon in Decem Oratores Atticos, ed. Dindorf).
Search Fields
- Author name: author name in the Latinized form according to the TLG Canon and the Perseus Catalog (e.g., Xenophon).
- Author CTS URN: author CTS URN according to the Perseus Catalog (e.g., urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0032). Authors not yet in the TLG Canon and in the Perseus Catalog have been assigned new numbers with the prefix lagl instead of tlg (e.g., Arignote: urn:cts:greekLit:lagl0309).
Output Fields
- Author name: author name in the Latinized form with the corresponding Wikidata entry. Note that the LAGL author ID Wikidata Property (P12869) collects identifiers of Ancient Greek and Latin authors from the LAGL Catalog.
- Author generic epithet (only for authors collected in the TLG Canon): TLG author generic epithet(s) to indicate the kind of literary activity or genre of the searched author.
- Author geographic epithet (only for authors collected in the TLG Canon): TLG geographic epithet(s) to indicate the author’s place of floruit or main place of residence. The epithet is accompanied by the relevant place name with link to the corresponding Pleiades entry (if available).
- Works: list of works of the searched author with CTS URNs and corresponding Wikidata entries (if available). The text of the Lexicon of Harpocration includes also citations of authors without references to their works.
- Passages: list of the relevant passages of the Lexicon of Harpocration in ancient Greek with annotations of forms corresponding to author names and work titles. By hovering the mouse over the annotations it is possible to visualize author names and work titles with corresponding forms in Latin and CTS URNs. Red annotations: forms corresponding to the searched author; Orange annotations: forms corresponding to the works of the searched author; Blue annotations: forms corresponding to other authors in the resulting passage; Green annotations: forms corresponding to works of other authors in the resulting passage. The + symbol highlights (1) forms corresponding to author names in work titles and (2) works attributed to two or more authors.