Digital Harpocration
Harpocrationis Lexicon in decem oratores atticos ex recensione Gulielmi Dindorfii

Authors Catalog


Catalog of Authors and Works

The Catalog of the Digital Harpocration project is populated with forms deriving from the linguistic extraction and annotation of expressions about names of authors and works in the Greek text of the Lexicon of the Ten Orators (ed. Dindorf).

This is the first version of the Catalog, which is complete, based on semi-automatic methods, and linked to external resources. Results are currently checked and analyzed for correction, further disambiguation, NE relation, and coreference resolution. Forthcoming versions of the catalog will allow to search Greek forms and will be enriched with data from other sources to be part of a text-based catalog of ancient Greek authors and works that will be made accessible in the Linked Ancient Greek and Latin (LAGL) project.

* As of May 2024, authors who were originally and experimentally assigned the prefix harp are now identified with the prefix lagl. Read below for further instructions.

* As of June 2024, entries of this catalog are also searchable in the unified Catalog of the Linked Ancient Greek and Latin (LAGL) project, which collects data from different ancient Greek sources.

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